Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Contractility. In: The cell in mitosis. pp. 227-250. (1963)
Simmons N. S.; Cohen C.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.; Wetlaufer D. B.; Blout E. R.: A conformation-dependent cotton effect in α-helical polypeptides and proteins. In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, (83) 23. pp. 4766-4769. (1961)
Johnson William H.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: The molecular basis for the "catch" mechanism in molluscan muscles. In: Biological Bulletin, (117) 2. pp. 382-383. (1959)
Johnson William H.; Kahn Joseph S.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Paramyosin and contraction of "catch muscles". In: Science, (130) 3368. pp. 160-161. (1959)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.; Cohen Carolyn: Role of proline in polypeptide chain configuration of proteins. In: Science, (126) 3276. pp. 697-698. (1957)
Cohen Carolyn; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Optical rotation and helical polypeptide chain configuration in alpha-proteins. In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, (79) 1. p. 248. (1957)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.; Borbiro M.: Depolymerization of light meromyosin by urea. In: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, (60) 1. pp. 180-197. (1956)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.; Mazia Daniel; Szent-Györgyi Albert: On the nature of the cross-striation of body muscle. In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, (16). pp. 339-342. (1955)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.; Mazia Daniel; Szent-Györgyi Albert: On the nature of the cross-striation of body muscle. In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, (16). pp. 339-342. (1955)
Philpott Delbert E.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: The structure of light-meromyosin : an electron microscopic study. In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, (15). pp. 165-173. (1954)
Goodall M. C.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Relaxing factors in muscle. In: Nature : a weekly journal of science, (172) 4367. pp. 84-85. (1953)
Mihályi E.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Trypsin digestion of muscle proteins I. : ultracentrifugal analysis of the process. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, (201) 1. pp. 189-196. (1953)
Mihályi E.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Trypsin digestion of muscle proteins III. : adenosinetriphosphatase activity and actin-binding capacity of the digested myosin. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, (201) 1. pp. 211-219. (1953)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Meromyosins, the subunits of myosin. In: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, (42) 2. pp. 305-320. (1953)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Isolation and characterisation of the fractions of trypsin digested myosin : [introduced by Albert Szent-Györgyi]. In: Federation Proceedings, (11) 1/1. pp. 296-297. (1952)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: A new method for the preparation of actin. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, (192) 1. pp. 361-369. (1951)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: The reversible depolymerization of actin by potassium iodide. In: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, (31) 1. pp. 97-103. (1951)
Sarkar Nirmal K.; Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.; Varga Leslie: Adenosintriphosphatase activity of the glycerol extracted muscle fibres. In: Enzymologia : Acta Biocatalytica, (14) 4. pp. 267-271. (1950)
Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Effect of freezing and thawing on muscle. In: Enzymologia : Acta Biocatalytica, (14) 4. pp. 252-253. (1950)