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Number of items: 9.


Szent-Györgyi Albert: Química de la contracción muscular. (1952)

Szent-Györgyi Albert: Thermodynamics and muscle. In: Modern trends in physiology and biochemistry : Woods Hole lectures dedicated to the memory of Leonor Michaelis. pp. 377-393. (1952)

Szent-Györgyi Albert: The structure and chemistry of muscle. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Research Conference, American Meat Institute : University of Chicago, 20-21 March 1952. pp. 22-26. (1952)

Hajdu S. and Szent-Györgyi Albert: Action of DOC and serum on the frog heart. In: American Journal of Physiology, (168) 1. pp. 159-170. (1952)

Hajdu S. and Szent-Györgyi Albert: Action of DOC and serum on the frog heart. In: American Journal of Physiology, (168) 1. pp. 159-170. (1952)

Hajdu S. and Szent-Györgyi Albert: Action of digitalis glucosides on isolated frog heart. In: American Journal of Physiology, (168) 1. pp. 171-175. (1952)

Hajdu S. and Szent-Györgyi Albert: Action of digitalis glucosides on isolated frog heart. In: American Journal of Physiology, (168) 1. pp. 171-175. (1952)

Szent-Györgyi Albert: Contraction in the heart muscle fibre. In: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, (28) 1. pp. 3-10. (1952)

Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Isolation and characterisation of the fractions of trypsin digested myosin : [introduced by Albert Szent-Györgyi]. In: Federation Proceedings, (11) 1/1. pp. 296-297. (1952)

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