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Number of items: 8.


Goodall M. C. and Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Relaxing factors in muscle. In: Nature : a weekly journal of science, (172) 4367. pp. 84-85. (1953)


Hajdu Stephen: Mechanism of staircase and contracture in ventricular muscle. In: American Journal of Physiology, (174) 3. pp. 371-380. (1953)


Kisch Bruno and Philpott Delbert E.: Electron-microscopic investigations of the human heart. In: Experimental Medicine and Surgery, (11) 3. pp. 161-173. (1953)


Lorand L.: ‘Adenosine triphosphate–creatine transphosphorylase’ as relaxing factor of muscle. In: Nature : a weekly journal of science, (172) 4391. pp. 1181-1183. (1953)


Mihályi E. and Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Trypsin digestion of muscle proteins I. : ultracentrifugal analysis of the process. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, (201) 1. pp. 189-196. (1953)

Mihályi E.: Trypsin digestion of muscle proteins II. : the kinetics of digestion. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, (201) 1. pp. 197-209. (1953)

Mihályi E. and Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Trypsin digestion of muscle proteins III. : adenosinetriphosphatase activity and actin-binding capacity of the digested myosin. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, (201) 1. pp. 211-219. (1953)


Szent-Györgyi Andrew G.: Meromyosins, the subunits of myosin. In: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, (42) 2. pp. 305-320. (1953)

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