Szent-Györgyi Albert: List of reprints : Albert Szent-Györgyi and others : [1949-1983] : [gépirat]. (1983)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: On the nature and origin of life. In: Old and New Questions in Physics, Cosmology, Philosophy, and Theoretical Biology : Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Yourgrau. pp. 805-808. (1983)
Arnold R. and Fodor G. and Mathelier H. and Mohacsi T. and Szent-Györgyi Albert and Veltri R. W.: Recent aspects of the chemistry of vitamin C. In: Protective agents in cancer. pp. 197-219. (1983)
Szent-Györgyi Albert and McLaughlin Jane A.: The living state. In: Journal of Bioelectricity, (2) 2-3. pp. 207-212. (1983)
Pethig Ronald and Gascoyne Peter and McLaughlin Jane A. and Szent-Györgyi Albert: Ascorbate-quinone interactions : electrochemical, free radical, and cytotoxic properties. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (80) 1. pp. 129-132. (1983)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: "A tanítás jó volt, a gyermeket megölték". In: Képes Sport : az Országos Testnevelési és Sporthivatal lapja, (30) 38. p. 23. (1983)
Szent-Györgyi Albert and Gascoyne Peter and Pethig Ronald and McLaughlin Jane A.: Studies of cytotoxic free radicals produced by some methoxy-quinones plus ascorbate in the presence of Ehrlich ascites cells. In: Biological Bulletin, (165) 2. pp. 496-497. (1983)