Fodor Gábor and Szent-Györgyi Albert and Sachetto Jean-Pierre: Chemical approach to retine : [lecture] : [gépirat]. pp. 1-8. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Foreword. In: In vivo : the case for supramolecular biology presented in six informal, illustrated lectures. pp. 11-13. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Kedves Gizi. In: Kedves Bajor Gizi! : levelek Bajor Gizihez. pp. 204-205. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Kedves Művésznő! In: Kedves Bajor Gizi! : levelek Bajor Gizihez. p. 108. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: On education and teaching : lecture : [gépirat]. pp. 1-15. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert and Hegyeli Andrew and McLaughlin Jane A.: Biologically active animal extracts : 3,297,533 : [patent]. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert and Együd Laszlo G. and McLaughlin Jane A.: Keto-aldehydes and cell division : glyoxal derivatives may be regulators of cell division and open a new approach to cancer. In: Science, (155) 3762. pp. 539-541. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Retine. In: Science, (156) 3774. p. 543. (1967)
Együd Laszlo G. and McLaughlin Jane A. and Szent-Györgyi Albert: Ketone aldehydes in tissues. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS, (57) 5. pp. 1422-1425. (1967)
Fodor Gábor and Sachetto Jean-Pierre and Szent-Györgyi Albert and Együd Laszló G.: Ketone aldehydes in animal tissues. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS, (57) 6. pp. 1644-1650. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: On retine. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS, (57) 6. pp. 1642-1643. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Lost in the twentieth century. In: Karger Gazette 16. pp. 3-4. (1967)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Charge transfer and electronic mobility. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (58) 5. pp. 2012-2014. (1967)