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Találatok száma: 10.


Szent-Györgyi Albert: Teaching and the expanding knowledge : the simplification that comes with expanding knowledge enables teaching to encompass this knowledge. In: ?. (1964)

Advances in chemical physics : vol. 7. : the structure and properties of biomolecules and biological systems

Szent-Györgyi Albert: Introduction. In: Advances in chemical physics : vol. 7. : the structure and properties of biomolecules and biological systems. ix-xii. (1964)

Dem Andenken an Reinhard Dohrn : Reden, Briefe und Nachrufe

Szent-Györgyi Albert: [Briefe und Nachrufe]. In: Dem Andenken an Reinhard Dohrn : Reden, Briefe und Nachrufe. p. 12. (1964)

Látóhatár : irodalmi folyóirat

Szent-Györgyi Albert: Tudomány, erkölcs, politika. In: Látóhatár : irodalmi folyóirat, (14) 5. pp. 755-765. (1964)

Szent-Györgyi Albert: Nehézségeim az atommal. In: Látóhatár : irodalmi folyóirat, (14) 5. pp. 761-765. (1964)

Magyar Radiológia

Szent-Györgyi Albert; Hegyeli Andrew; McLaughlin Jane A.: Új lehetőség a ráktherápiában. In: Magyar Radiológia, (16). pp. 49-51. (1964)

Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

Szent-Györgyi Albert: Studies in growth. In: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, (7) 3. pp. 279-284. (1964)

Szent-Györgyi Albert: Studies in growth. In: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, (7) 3. pp. 279-284. (1964)


Szent-Györgyi Albert: Teaching and the expanding knowledge : the simplification that comes with expanding knowledge enables teaching to encompass this knowledge. In: Science, (146) 3649. pp. 1278-1279. (1964)

The thymus in immunobiology : structure, function, and role in disease

Szent-Györgyi Albert; Hegyeli Andrew; McLaughlin Jane A.: Studies on the chemistry of the thymus. In: The thymus in immunobiology : structure, function, and role in disease. pp. 114-119. (1964)

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