Rozsa George; Szent-Györgyi Albert; Wyckoff Ralph W. G.: The electron microscopy of F-actin. In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, (3). pp. 561-569. (1949)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Free-energy relations and contraction of actomyosin. In: Biological Bulletin, (96) 2. pp. 140-161. (1949)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Free-energy relations and contraction of actomyosin. In: Biological Bulletin, (96) 2. pp. 140-161. (1949)
Borbíró Márta; Szent-Györgyi Albert: On the relation between tension and ATP in cross-striated muscle. In: Biological Bulletin, (96) 2. pp. 162-167. (1949)
Borbíró Márta; Szent-Györgyi Albert: On the relation between tension and ATP in cross-striated muscle. In: Biological Bulletin, (96) 2. pp. 162-167. (1949)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Process for the preparation of a mixture of nucleotides containing predominantly adenosintriphosphate : 2,472,130 : [patent]. In: Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. p. 130. (1949)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Attacks on muscle. In: Science, (110) 2860. pp. 411-413. (1949)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Attacks on muscle. In: Science, (110) 2860. pp. 411-413. (1949)
Szent-Györgyi Albert: Muscle research. In: Scientific American, (180) 6. pp. 22-25. (1949)