76. The activity of acid phosphatase and non specific esterase in necrotic and regenerative proximal tubular epithelium in rats kidney, a light and electron microscopical study ; 77. A Histostatistical analysis on the bone marrow of autopsy cases of kidney transplantation with special references to aplastic anemia

Sztriha László and Böti Zs. and Kuthy Enikő and Ormos Jenő and Okono K. and Okada M. and Kitamura Y.: 76. The activity of acid phosphatase and non specific esterase in necrotic and regenerative proximal tubular epithelium in rats kidney, a light and electron microscopical study ; 77. A Histostatistical analysis on the bone marrow of autopsy cases of kidney transplantation with special references to aplastic anemia. In: Kolligátum. pp. 38-39. (1974)

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Other title: Abstract book
Item Type: Offprint
Journal or Publication Title: Kolligátum
Event Title: The world congress of academic and environmental pathology (10.) (1974) (Hamburg)
Date: 1974
Page Range: pp. 38-39
Uncontrolled Keywords: Patológia - előadáskivonatok
Projects: Kolligátum
Date Deposited: 2017. Aug. 21. 12:48
Last Modified: 2019. Nov. 11. 11:03
URI: http://misc.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/27241

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