Mass spectrometric and mindo study of electron impact induced fragmentation of some norbornane- and norbornene-condensed pyrimidinones and oxazinones

Gömöry Ágnes and Somogyi Árpád and Tamás József and Stájer Géza and Bernáth Gábor and Komáromi István: Mass spectrometric and mindo study of electron impact induced fragmentation of some norbornane- and norbornene-condensed pyrimidinones and oxazinones. In: Kolligátum. pp. 225-246. (1991)

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Item Type: Offprint
Journal or Publication Title: Kolligátum
Date: 1991
Page Range: pp. 225-246
Additional Information: Forrásdokumentuma: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 107.1991
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tömegspektrometria
Projects: Kolligátum
Date Deposited: 2017. Sep. 29. 10:50
Last Modified: 2019. Nov. 11. 11:02

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