Submicroscopy of the receptor protein of the postsynaptic membrane

Csillik Bertalan: Submicroscopy of the receptor protein of the postsynaptic membrane. In: Kolligátum. pp. 125-135. (1962)

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Item Type: Offprint
Journal or Publication Title: Kolligátum
Event Title: Humboldt-Symposium über Grundfragen der Biologie (3.) (1960) (Berlin)
Date: 1962
Page Range: pp. 125-135
Additional Information: Különlenyomat: Struktur und biologische Funktion der Eiweisse Illusztrált Bibliogr.: p. 134-135.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Receptorfehérje - mikroszkópos vizsgálat
Projects: Kolligátum
Date Deposited: 2017. Aug. 31. 10:31
Last Modified: 2019. Nov. 08. 15:00

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